Whole30 - Completed

Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's been a month of the whole30 experience and I have now realised how bad I was feeling before.

I guess I was so used to feeling crappy that I didn't know I felt crappy.
I have come to realise this since I now feel amazing.
Not constantly tired, sugar crazy cravings or moodiness. 
Now at the gym I feel like I can run forever, at the office I feel I can accomplish so much more and at home I want to get up and do stuff! 
I feel so light in both body and mind.
Like a fog cleared.
I lost 2 kg but best of all - I lost 10 cm of my waist. 
10 cm! So exciting.

So what now? Will I continue?
I will for sure continue not eating gluten, processed food, added sugar but I will eat cheese sometimes. Other than the cheese thing - It's going to be all paleo.

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