New York Breakfast

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

During my travels as a flight attendant, I try out so many new cafes, bars, and restaurants. This little gem is one of my favorite places.

I came to Jacks wife Freda around 9 a.m to have breakfast with friends. It was the perfect time to arrive; they still had one or two tables available outside. Around 10 a.m it was a long line to get a table.

The location is the perfect starting point if you are going to explore Soho, there are museums and shopping just around the corner.

There are many healthy options on the menu which are exactly to my preference. Bring around 20 dollars.

The breakfast was excellent; it was well made fresh and beautiful. Perfect breakfast stop for all Instagram photographers.

Find Jacks wife Freda at 224 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012, USA.

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