From me to you

Friday, August 15, 2014

I had an amazing summer in Croatia and Greece.
  Unfortunately it ended drastically after a injury I had so that's why I'm back earlier than planed.
I had a burn injury on my leg, it is more than likely to going to be a big bad scar. It is still under hospital care and being looked after everyday.
  Every time when I have the smallest pimple I always panic about "is it going to leave a scar", this accident have given me some perspective. Of course it makes me so sad about how the appearance of my leg is going to look like but it makes me appreciate more the rest of my body. My arms, my other leg, my neck, my back and my face.
I appreciate it all so much more in a way, I think this accident has made me stop judging myself in the way I used to. I now look at myself so thankful that the accident wasn't bigger, that my face is spared.
  From now on I'm going to try to keep this feeling with me, instead of the feeling of horror of how the look of my leg is going to be. I want everyone who reads this to look at their bodies as a whole, not to get caught up on the small things you don't like.

 Love all of you because one day shit might happen and you will regret not appreciating it while you still had it.

Love Emma

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