Whole30 Day 2

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Me and my awesome college Annika after work heading to Joe and the Jucie
So on day 2 I felt a massive diet coke craving, we sell pepsi maxi on work and it was speaking to me from the trolley. But I staid strong and drank sparkling water instead. I was working a long day, and I had forgotten to prepare a meal in advance to take with me on the plane. So it was a pain guessing what was okay to eat but luckily I did have some bananas and cashew nuts with me. Thankfully as well I work for a company which has really nice food, it's all eco.

I also had some dried apples with me and Oh it was so yummy!! If your local food store sell them and you are on a paleo or whole30 diet buy it. But dont forget to check if its dried safe and doesn't have added sugar to it or soy.

When I came home I had some fried bacon, carrot cubes, parsnip cubes with some garlic and red onion in a big salad. It was perfect!

Im actually going to post about how to eat healthy in the air one of the days I have some time.

After work we headed over to eat at Joe and the Juice and had an banana, passion fruit and elder berry juice. It was divine, I know I should have less juices and stuff but I have to be realistic with this program it was either that or a sandwich so a juice it was. Its hard to find stuff on the go, that is a real struggle with paleo but maybe more options will come in the future.


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